Every hero needs some help sometimes, that's why these amazing girls are going to join the Delix girls on their adventure and help them try to defeat the evil forces of Darkness. But hey! be prepared to see them go beyond darkness on their own stories full of magic, adventure and friendship!

Alice: Fairy of Greek Gods
Alice is a 16 year old girl from Earth, who is willing to find more about her powers, and to do it, she must find a little friend to guide her to the real of Olympus to finally fullfill her true powers. You will find her out there on the training field, preparing herself for the battle.

Ariana: Fairy of Insects
Are you afraid of insects? Well, Ariana isn't, and that's because she is the fairy of insects. this 17 year old girl is a wormbook, she is always finding new species and making friends with bees, flies, butterflies, etc. Maybe the insects are little, but be careful, cuz maybe theyhave poisson.

Azerith: Fairy of Music
Azerith is the diva kind of girl, she comes from Melody, but she isn't a lot like Musa, She is a fierce, selfish girl who is willing to do everything to be the center stage every hour of the day. But hey! maybe she is just a little insecure, or maybe she is hiding a secret.

Claudine: Fairy of Tides
Please, make a bow to our princess, Claudine! She is the princess of an important realm down in the ocean of Andros. her family is the protectors of the mermaids in all magic dimension. So, is she a mermaid? well, yeah! but she can transform her finns into human legs, is this reminds you of something?

Cotton: Fairy of Phsyquic Energy
Cotton isn't a typical 18 year old girl, her powers are too powerful to handle, that's why her parents send her to Alfea to learn how to use them. but is she ready for that? maybe with a little help of Griselda she can find out more about her powers. Just hope she can do it soon.

Dawn: Fairy of Lava
Dawn, Hannah's little sister decided to leave Infinitum to go to Alfea and learn a different kidn of magic. but once she find out Red Fountain, she has willing to forget her wings and learn how to battle hand by hand. Oh! and almost forgot it! She is Aria's lovely girlfriend!

Devi: Fairy of Radioactivity
Devi, Devi, Devi. That's what Palladium says to her every single class. this 17 year old girl is quite a messy girl. she is always making jokes arround and having such a relaxing attitude. But she must be careful cuz her powers are nothing to joke about. she can hurt someone!

Hannah: Fairy of Sun
Hannah is the typical it girl. She and her sister, Dawn, are so different but unlike her, she want to follow her mother's path and became the royal counsel of the queen on the real of Infinitum. She loves the jewerly and the big dresses the job requires. But deep down she is the most loyal friend.

Kia: Fairy of Animals
Cursed by some evil sorcered, Kia find out that her powers are not what she think they were. She will find out that her true strength comes from the old spirit of the forest, the guardian of all animals and the protector of the nature. Will she let her wild instincts dominate her?

Louis: Fairy of Gold
Great friend, loyal and beautiful. These are some of the qualities Louis has. Well what else can we need, I mean she is the fairy of Gold, and you know what they say: The brighterit shine, the better. She is a sunshine with every person, and because of that she is the cheerleader's captain.

Ray: Fairy of Electricity
If you mix Tecna with the flash, you must get Ray. She is a fierce and joyful girl with great technological knowledge. She is the fastest fairy alive and will use her abilities to help everyone in need. specially if they are robots or somekind of machine. Well it's her passion.